Portal:Seward Neighborhood Group
Welcome to Seward Neighborhood Group's Placeography Portal! The Seward Neighborhood Group (SNG) is one of the oldest neighborhood organizations in Minneapolis. SNG was established in 1960 to make Seward a better place to live, work, and play. The purpose of the SNG History Committee is to collect and preserve Seward history. The committee promotes Seward’s history through history walks and tours, 'memory night' gatherings focused on various themes, celebrations such as King’s Fair, and interviews with long-time neighborhood residents and community leaders.
EventsJoin us in remembering SEWARD IN THE 1930S & 1940S: FROM THE STOCK MARKET CRASH TO THE ARMISTICE DAY BLIZZARD, Saturday, October 2, 2010, 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. All are welcome! Bring your curiosity and/or memories to Faith Mennonite Church, 2720 East 22nd Street, Minneapolis This is a community event sponsored by the SNG History Committee. We hope to share, gather and preserve the essence of Seward during that dynamic and memorable time... First- and second-hand accounts, photos and mementos are very welcome, or just come to listen, view life in Seward back then, and ask questions! Light refreshments will be served. For more details, contact Dick Westby at rs.westby2@yahoo.com.
Music by Papa John Kolstad and Spider John Koerner! Can you believe it—the Seward Neighborhood Group is turning 50! It doesn’t look a day over 30, really. Come party with SNG to recognize all the amazing work done by neighbors working with neighbors over five decades, and to lay the foundation for the next 50 years.edit
Things you can doNo shortage of things to do! Nothing specific just alot of everything
Past TourMILWAUKEE AVENUE WALKING TOUR took place Saturday, December 5, 2009 Many residents and others turned out to discover the gem of Seward along this historic avenue with the Seward Neighborhood Group's History Committee and local resident and architect Bob Mack.edit
Organization Info
Featured PlaceThis successful cooperative grew from the ideas of a few people. In September 1919, a group of workers tried to become members of the Milk Driver's Union, Local 471. An organization known as the Citizen's Alliance encouraged milk dealers to fear the idea of union drivers. A strike was called by one creamery, and other milk processing plants "locked out" workers. This meant that Minneapolis residents were unable to buy perishable dairy products for their families. Thirteen of the union milk drivers were angry that children had been deprived of milk during the strike. They decided to start their own creamery, and risked their savings to invest in this property. Permits for this building indicate that the foundation was laid in September 1920. Construction on the building was started the next month.
Places listedList of properties within the Seward Neighborhood
National Register Historic PropertiesList of properties within the Seward Neighborhood on the National Register of Historic Places:
Buildings in Seward Neighborhood GroupStructures in Seward Neighborhood GroupSites in Seward Neighborhood GroupTours in Seward Neighborhood Group |