
From Placeography

Want to start editing the Placeography Wiki? Here are some quick tips:

Remember you need to register/login to edit! Need help registering, logging in, editing? contact user Mdougla

  • To experiment with editing, go to the Sandbox.
  • You can edit any page by clicking the edit link the top - You can also see how the wiki source code of that page - just make sure you don't save without meaning to!
  • To create a new page, it is as simple as putting your title/subject in the search box at the left and press G0 (not Search).

Description You type You get
Applies anywhere
Italicise text



Bold text



Bold and italic

'''''bold & italic'''''

bold & italic

Internal link


[[name of page]]
[[name of page|display text]]

name of page
display text

Redirect to another page

#redirect [[Target page]]

1. redirect Target page

External link

(to other websites)

[ display text]

display text

Sign your posts
on talk pages


Username 22:02,
7 February 2025 (UTC)

Applies only at the beginning of the line

of different sizes

==level 1==
===level 2===
====level 3====
=====level 4=====

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4
Bullet list

* one
* two
** two point one
* three

  • one
  • two
    • two point one
  • three
Numbered list

# one
# two
## two point one
# three

  1. one
  2. two
    1. two point one
  3. three
Thumbnail image

[[Image:Wiki.png|thumb|Caption text]]


There are a number of Placeography-specific templates created for use on this wiki.

More Editing Help

  • To create a new page, it is as simple as putting your title/subject in the search box at the left and press G0 (not Search).
  • Anywhere you see a red link, that means it is a link going to a page without content. A need and a challenge!
  • To link to another page, code it like this: [[article name]] . It is case-sensitive except for the first letter.
  • To link to a Wikipedia article, code it like this: [[Wikipedia:ArticleName]]
  • To link to a page on another web site, code it like this:, [ Description] .
  1. Only one pair of brackets, not two.
  2. There is a space between URL and description..
  • To redirect one page to another (useful for different spelling or capitalization), write this: #REDIRECT [[Other Page]] . Redirects to a page that is also a redirect will not work correctly.
  • To revert a page to a previous version click on the page's History tab, click a date and time prior to the edit you want to remove, click Edit, then save. You might want to do this after vandalism, of it you make a change and don't like it.
  • Write plurals like this unless the article title should be plural: [[Ship]]s .
  • To display different text for a link, write this: [[article name|description]] .
  1. Use two pair of brackets, not one.
  2. There is a pipe character "|" with no spaces between the name and description.
  • Italics can be done with two single quotes, ''like this''; bold with three, '''like this'''
  • Numbered lists can be created by putting one or more # at the start of each line, with no spaces before
  • Unnumbered lists, like this one, have one or more * at the start of each line
  • To indent text, place one or more : at the start of each line
  • A space at the start of each line will stop the text from wrapping - you can also use the <pre> tag
  • More complicated formatting is possible with the <div>, <span> and <font> HTML tags, which work here
  • You can make headers like this: == Header text == - add a = mark on each side for increasing depth of headers
  • You can use images as well, but you need to log in and upload the file first. Add an image with [[Image:imagename.png|left or right or none|frame or thumb (if you want a frame or thumbnail - if not, leave this out)|Description]] . Examples:
    • [[Image:MN150logo.png|left|frame|This is the [[MN 150]] logo!]]
    • [[Image:MN150logo.png|right|This text only shows up when you hover over the image]]
    • [[Image:Yourimage.jpg|right|220px|This is will be sized to 220px in width]]
  • To put a page into a category, put this code anywhere on the page: [[Category:Whatever]]
  • If you need to sign your name, use ~~~ , or ~~~~ to include the date too. You should only need to do this when posting on a talk page or making a personal note outside the normal flow of the article.
  • Please remember to click Preview before saving and check all your links.
  • Don't forget, every logged in user gets a User Page! If you're logged in, you can also take advantage of your Watchlist to keep track of updates on your favorite articles.

Need more pointers on editing a wiki?

Check out Mediawiki's section on editing.