Placeography, a wiki about any place anywhere that anyone can contribute to and edit. All are welcome here.
Placeography provides a way for people to share information or learn about the history of a house, building, structure, site, natural feature, or other place that matters to you and to all of us.
Placeography evolved out of an idea/vision/website of Joe Hoover who created an earlier version called Geomyidea or Geomyidae inspired by inheriting his uncle's house in Richfield. Hoover documented the history of his uncle's house and other places in Richfield and elsewhere. As a member of a team of people interested in local history and history written by the people who want to share the stories of the places that matter to you and to all of us, Joe Hoover, Rose Sherman and Tracey Baker who worked for the Minnesota Historical Society, created Placeography. It became live on the internet in 2007. More on that soon.
Wiki Jedi Masters of the science and art of wikis reinvented this powerful Mediawiki ecosystem in July - Sept 2020.
This is the new incarnation of Placeography. Placeography is owned by everyone who contributes to it and everyone who learns from it.
Our connection to the places that matter to us is profound. It is part of our shared inheritance. It is part of our DNA.
This is your place to share your stories, research, images, memories and discoveries about the places that matter to you and to all of us.
Madeline Douglass Bureaucrat, Sysop, Admin of mdougla 10/3/2020