Duluth, Minnesota

From Placeography

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Duluth, Minnesota
State Minnesota
Hennepin County, Minnesota
Year founded 1630
Year Incorporated 1875
Country: United States
Population 86,918
Official web site: http://www.duluthmn.gov/

Buildings in Duluth, Minnesota

 #Street  Neighborhood
2605 East 3rd Street, Duluth, Minnesota2,6053rdStreetE
Adas Israel Synagogue, 302 East 3rd Street, Duluth, Minnesota3023rdStreetE
Duluth Armory1,307LondonRoadEast Hillside, Duluth, Minnesota
Duluth Depot, 506 West Michigan Street, Duluth, Minnesota506MichiganStreet
Duluth Lincoln Branch Library, 2227 2nd Street West, Duluth, Minnesota2,2272ndStreetW
Duluth Public Library, 101 2nd Street West, Duluth, Minnesota1012ndStreetW
First United Methodist Church, 230 Skyline Parkway East, Duluth, Minnesota230SkylineParkwayEEast Hillside, Duluth, Minnesota
Fitger's Brewery Company600SuperiorStreetE
John G. Williams House, 2601 2nd Street East, Duluth, Minnesota2,6012ndStreetE
New London School, 5217 London Road, Duluth, Minnesota5,217LondonRoadLakeside - Lester Park, Duluth, Minnesota
Peoples' Clothing House, Superior Street, Duluth, MinnesotaSuperiorStreet
Radisson Hotel Duluth Harborview, 501-505 West Superior Street, Duluth, Minnesota501SuperiorStreetW
Saint Louis County Courthouse, 100 North 5th Avenue West, Duluth, MN100North 5thAvenueW
Silberstein and Bondy Company, Duluth, Minnesota
Starkey House, 2620 Greysolon Road East, Duluth, Minnesota2,620GreysolonRoadEEndion, Duluth, Minnesota
Temple Israel Jewish Education Center, 1602 East 2nd Street, Duluth, Minnesota1,6022ndStreetE
Twin Ports Clothing Company, Duluth, Minnesota
West Duluth Branch Library, 701 Central Street North, Duluth, Minnesota (Razed)701CentralStreetN

Structures in Duluth, Minnesota

 #Street  Neighborhood
Aerial Bridge, Duluth, Minnesota
Enger Tower, West Skyline Parkway, Duluth, MinnesotaDuluth Heights, Duluth, Minnesota
North Breakwater Lighthouse, Duluth, MinnesotaCanal Park, Duluth, Minnesota
Ore Docks, Duluth, MinnesotaDenfeld, Duluth, Minnesota
Lincoln Park, Duluth, Minnesota
Oneota, Duluth, Minnesota

Sites in Duluth, Minnesota

Enger Park, West Skyline Parkway, Duluth, MinnesotaDuluth Heights, Duluth, Minnesota

Tours in Duluth, Minnesota

Historic Jewish Duluth Tour

Related Links

Wikipedia: Duluth, Minnesota