Stadiums in Minnesota

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Stadiums in Minnesota

ABOVE: Area of various stadiums
State/province: Minnesota
Country: United States


Stadiums throughout Minnesota show a progression with architectural understanding and for alot of the population the stadiums have sentimental value. Starting with Memorial Stadium in 1924 to present time with U.S. Bank Stadium. All effecting history with Minnesotan Sports in one way or another. Each stadium taking it one step farther in Architectural value.

Hubert H. Humphrey

The Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome led to the future development of the stadiums that are being used today or still in progress. The Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome was built in Downtown Minneapolis. It first opened on April 3rd, 1982 and held 64, 111 people. At the time of being built, the estimated cost was $55 million dollars. When it was finished it was one of the world’s largest air-supported, multi-use facility. The Metrodome had air supported fiberglass fabric roof and a 340 ton cover for the dome and was held in place by air pressure. It needed 250,000 cubic feet of air pressure per minute. The pressure was controlled by having revolving doors for the fans that were coming in. During it’s time of bring in spectators, the roof collapsed five times. Four out of five times of the roof collapsing it was in the first five years of it being built. It was deflated on January 18 2014

Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome was built to replace the Metropolitan Stadium. It was home to the Vikings, Golden Gophers and Twins. Not only was it home to these teams, but it also had hosted some basketball and soccer games. The Vikings argued that the Metropolitan Stadium wasn’t built for football, rather it was built for baseball, but later the Twins argued that Metrodome was built for football rather than baseball. It is the only stadium that can say it held a major league baseball, all-star game, a super bowl, NCAA Final Four and a world series. The Metrodome holds a lot of success stories with sports and sentimental value to the teams and fans.

The Metrodome was the leading cause to future development of stadiums. With three major sports teams playing under the same roof, there was conflict with scheduling. The Gophers always being the last priority had to set back or change game times many times. As for the Twins, it wasn’t built with baseball in mind. The players got use to the different corks of the Metrodome but it still wasn’t ideal. A few times a baseball went through the roof. Also, since the roof is white it was hard to see the baseball flying through the air. When it was time to set up for baseball there were approximately 8,000 that seats that could be retracted and took about four hours to be set up, but some of the seats that were remaining were “bad” seats because it wasn’t built 100% for baseball. At the time of being built it had limited funding, which lead to a “fast-tracked budget building.” (

Benifits of Stadiums

Stadiums can host many different events for various activities. Stadiums are meant as a place where people can gather to have a good time and watch a good game while be surrounded by people that have a common interest. Stadiums are a great way to bring in revenue for the state and businesses. The economic rise because of stadiums are a success initself.