Edit Building: Banfill Tavern, 6666 East River Road, Fridley, Minnesota

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Add a Building

Building name:

Some buildings have a name etched into the edifice or prominently displayed on a sign on the building (not just for recent business occupant) such as that found at the Mall of America or Rockefeller Plaza. Others are commonly called a particular name from their association with a particular individual, who may have been the first or most prominent owner, or a particular business. Sometimes even homes get names like Stonebridge. If you don’t know the name, it’s okay to leave this section blank.

Building Number: (ex: 234 Main Street W.)

Number that is the first part of the street address. For example, if the building address if 834 Broadway Avenue North, the number is 834.

Street Name: (ex:234 Main Street)

Name of the particular street, not including the street type or suffix. For example, for 834 Broadway Avenue North, the street name is Broadway.

Street Suffix: (ex:234 Main Street)

One of a series of street types which follows the street name. In the case of 834 Broadway Avenue North, the street suffix is Avenue.

Street Directional:

Most streets, especially longer ones, have a direction, which indicates a specific area along that street. For 834 Broadway Avenue North, the directional is North. If this information is not available it is okay to leave blank.

Location of Building:

If the building has no address or it is unknown, write a short description of where the building is located. Ex: "Corner of Main Street and Elm Avenue" or "On the Mississippi River, 1/4 mile south of Highway 61 and Interstate 94"


The name of the legally organized and/or incorporated city, village, suburb, or township where the property is located.


If the building is part of a neighborhood or borough. If the building is part of more than one neighborhood (historic, imagined, etc... please enter them using commas to separate them.


Select if it is a county or a parish (county by default).

Enter name of the county or parish. Do not add "County" or "Parish" to name.


Select the state or province.

Province other than U.S. or Canada:

Add province if structure is not located in the U.S. or Canada.


Select the country

Year built:

The year or period of years when the building was originally constructed. Sources for this date include building permits and property tax records.

Year razed:

Some buildings have been razed (torn down or demolished). If you know when a building was razed, please put that date here. You can sometimes get an approximate date from city directories, old photographs, permits for new buildings on the same site, and newspaper articles. If year is not known, put Unknown

Primary Architectural style:

Many buildings have a recognizable architectural style, such as a bungalow or Richardsonian Romanesque. If you are not sure of the style, you can leave it blank or do additional research, comparing the building to styles in architectural guides or other building entries.

Secondary Architectural style:

Some buildings either at the time of their original construction or through additions or renovations have a secondary style.


Later construction of small rooms or larger sections connected to the original building, which increases the size of the building.

Major Alterations:

Removal of significant portions or features of the building or renovations that cause significant changes to the buildings exterior appearance.

Architect or design source:

Some buildings are well known as the work of a specific architect, such as Frank Lloyd Wright. Often people learn about an architect's role in designing a building from his/her name appearing on the building permit or a set of plans. Other design sources include standard plans sold by mail order catalogs, magazines, newspapers, and lumber companies and plans drafted by homeowners, carpenters, and draftsmen.

Moved from location:

If the building was moved to this location, what was the address or location of the old site?


If the builder's name (individual or company) is known, please add it.

Select a Historic Function

Historic function:

What was the historic function of the building? Select the most appropreate.

Other Historic function/s:

Add the most appropriate historic function/s. Use commas to separate functions if more than one.

Select a Current Function

Current function:

What is the current function of the building? Select the most appropriate.

Other Current function/s:

Add the most appropriate current function/s. Use commas to separate functions if more than one.

Exterior wall covering:

If known, select the major material the exterior wall is composed of.

Roof material:

If known, select the major material the roof is composed of.

Foundation material:

If known, select the major material the foundation is composed of.

Building permit:

What is the number of the building permit if known?

First owner:

List the name of the first owner

Building Image 1:
Upload file

Add a picture of the building, historic or current. The image must be uploaded to placeography.org and you must have permission to use it.

Caption for Image 1:

Describe the photo for caption 1.

Building Image 2:
Upload file

Add a picture of the building, historic, current or of a detail or interior. The image must be uploaded to placeography.org and you must have permission to use it.

Caption for Image 2:

Describe the photo for caption 2

This building is a part of a larger site:

If this building is part of a larger site add the Placeography page title here.

Site Name:

Add the name of the site here.

Additional Notes:

If you have other notes you wish to add to the info box like significant persons associated with the building add them here.

Add a Google Map

Coordinates: Please enter address of the Building.

Is it listed with the <b>National Registration of Historic Places?</b> Add a data here.

NRHP ID Number:

Add NRHP identification number.


If there is a URL to a relating NRHP page add it here.

NRHP Criteria:

NRHP Certification Date:

NRHP Significance:

If applicable, name of Historic district:

Primary Architectural style:

Secondary Architectural style:

Year/s of Major Alterations:

Year/s of Additions :

Enter general introduction and Building history here

Building Summary/Intro:

Write an introduction to the building or if the history is short, put it here.

Building Content:

Expand on the history of the building here.

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