Portal:Ramsey County Historical Society

From Placeography


Welcome to Ramsey County Historical Society's Placeography Portal.

What you can do here?
  • Add information or memories on your home, former home, or any property
  • Search for information on your home or another property
  • Organize properties into tours (Saint Paul's Gangster History Tour) or similar house styles

Featured Place

Saint Clement's Episcopal Church
St. Clement's Church, c. 1905 - Minnesota Historical Society Photograph
Founded in 1893 as Emmanuel Mission, the church was built through the gift of Mrs. Elizabeth Eaton, the widow of Rev. Theodore Eaton, rector of St. Clement's Church, N.Y., N.Y. Cass Gilbert was named architect for the project by Bishop Mahlon Gilbert who wanted the new church as his "pro-cathedral" in the Twin Cities. Although some scholars regard St. Clement's as one of Gilbert's most "archaeological" designs, incorporating many features of English country churches, even including a lych gate, the interior of the church is decidedly Victorian and incorporates a number of features copied from St.Clement's in New York.


"Have a question about Ramsey County or Saint Paul History and you can't find the answer .........Why not ask an Historian!"

The "Ask an Historian" feature has made a move to improve the way Ramsey County History buffs communicate about history. William Peterson, Ramsey County Historical Society's Researcher is now hosting the RCHS Ask an Historian Blog at http://ramseycountyhistoricalsociety.blogspot.com/

Postings on the blog deal with questions posed by RCHS patrons and the subsequent research, using RCHS collection to the answer the questions.

Make sure to visit and participate in the blog and check back often for new postings.

History belongs to all of us!

Featured Articles

Tour Summit Avenue
"The worst collection of architecture in the world"
~ Frank Lloyd Wright.
"A mausoleum of American architectural monstrosities"
~ F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Now with those two glowing endorsements of Summit Avenue, I'd like to introduce you to a St. Paul landmark and one of its crown jewels. Extending nearly 5 miles along Summit Avenue, is the longest remaining stretch of residential Victorian architecture in the United States. This includes the 1891 mansion of James J. Hill, founder of the Great Northern Railroad, as well as the governor's mansion.

---Please note: If you decide to go on a real tour, most residences listed here are private homes. Anyone viewing them should respect that.




This Ramsey County Historical Society Research Center is a non-circulating collection documenting the history of Ramsey County and St. Paul. The library archives contain books, periodicals, city directories, maps, photographs, personal papers, business and organization records, architectural information and materials on clubs, schools, and churches. Patrons include teachers, students, attorneys, genealogists, historians, historic preservationists, authors, journalists and others.

Especially helpful to house historians….

St. Paul Building Permits 1883-1975 To obtain a photocopy of a St. Paul Building Permit or Building Permit Index Card call 651-222-0701 or email will@rchs.com. Copies will be mailed to you within two weeks of your request. There is a preservation fee of $12.50 for each permit copy you request and a $3.00 for each index card copy you request.

Ramsey County Historic Site Survey Completed in the early 1980s, the Ramsey County Historic Site Survey documents 5,000 historic structures located in the county. Each survey form describes a structure through an architectural profile, a brief history of the building and its potential for historic designation on the local and national level. A black and white photograph of the structure accompanies most survey forms.

The Research Center is open to members and the public by appointment only Monday through Thursday between 12:00pm and 4:00pm.

Please call the main office at 651-222-0701 or email Research@rchs.com to request an appointment with Will Peterson the Research Manager.

Organization Info

Ramsey County Historical Society
Mailing Address: 75 West 5th Street, Room 323
Building address: Same
Saint Paul, Minnesota
Ramsey County, Minnesota
State/province: Minnesota
Zip: 55102
Web site: http://www.rchs.com
E-mail: info@rchs.com
Phone: 651-222-0701
Contact: Priscilla Farnham , Director
Hours: Landmark Center Library 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday

Featured Picture

Horace P. Rugg House
Detail of entry to the Horace P. Rugg House
The original owner and resident of this house was Horace P. Rugg, who owned the Horace P. Rugg and Co., Wholesale Pumps, Railway and Plumber Supplies. This house was built for an estimated $24,000.

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Volunteers Needed
The Society depends on volunteers. It is a good way to get right into the middle of the "history stew" with all its savory pleasures. Sign up with the RCHS as an offical volunteer. Volunteers receive a free RCHS membership after 20 hours of service, as well as an invitation to the annual Volunteer Recognition dinner.

Things you can do

No shortage of things to do! Nothing specific just alot of everything
  • Start by adding houses
  • Help with research
  • Improve stub articles
  • Review articles fer grammorre and spilling
  • Help will the back end creating templates and such...

Places in Ramsey County

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