1443 W. Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota

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Address: 1443 Englewood Avenue W
Neighborhood/s: Hamline-Midway, Saint Paul, Minnesota
Saint Paul, Minnesota
State/province: Minnesota
Country: United States
Year built: 1908
First Owner: L.J. Hill
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1443 W. Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota
(44.9640936° N, 93.1613879° W)

The information provided here is from the 1983 Ramsey County Historical Society and Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission Historic Sites Survey:

Date of site visit 2/1/1982 Fieldworker: G. Whitney

Historical background: "According to the building permit, the original owner of this house was L.J. Hill. Hill could not be identified in the 1909 city directory. The house was built for an estimated $8,000. This street was originally called Capitol Avenue."

Level of significance: "Local"

Statement of significance: "A large and stately Colonial Revival house which is one of the nicest examples of this style in the area.

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