1475 W. Minnehaha Avenue, Saint Paul Minnesota

From Placeography
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Address: 1475 Minnehaha Avenue W
Neighborhood/s: Hamline-Midway, Saint Paul, Minnesota
Saint Paul, Minnesota
Saint Paul, USA
Ramsey County, Minnesota
State/province: Minnesota
State/province: USA
Country: United States
Year built: 1939
Current Function: House/single dwelling or duplex
Notes: Date built is taken from The Ramsey County Tax and Property Lookup Website


The Legal Description of the property is: Auditor's Subdivision No. 47

E 5o Ft Of Lot 12 Blk 1

Historical background taken from the historic sites survey for the original Swanson's Paint Store at 512 Snelling Avenue: "The original owner of this building, which was built for $16,000 was Swan A. Swanson, a contractor who lived at 1475 W. Minnehaha Avenue."

Sources of information: "1915 Polk's St. Paul City Directory"

    • Note from Krista Finstad Hanson

If Swan A. Swanson was living at 1475 W. Minnehaha Avenue in 1915, then the original house must have been moved,destroyed by fire, or perhaps there was an address change, as the current building at 1475 W. Minnehaha Avenue was built in 1939 according to the Ramsey County Property Lookup information listed on their website.

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